With a MemoTrader network license you can turn your network into a valuable digital asset that can generate revenue and increase in value as it grows. The following is a description of how the program works.
The core business of MemoTrader is the sending and receiving of paid messages. With a license, you can profit from the conversations of users sourced by you. There are two core business events that can generate revenue for you, the licensee:
Transaction fee revenue is generated from messages sent/received by users for whom your license is the indicated source. Confirmation fee revenue is generated when users confirm their account using your discount code.
There are three ways to grow the core business:
Licenses can be resold with the attendant business that is sourced by the license. The ultimate VALUE of a license is determined by the core business that is sourced by the license. A license will become worthless if the core business is not developed.
The growth business is the business of selling FundChan network licenses. The commission on license sales is 50%, which means that selling licenses is a business that can get very profitable very quickly. In addition to commission on license sales, you also receive a 10% commission on funds that are cashed out under the licenses sourced by you.
The following risks should be taken into consideration when purchasing a license:
Ultimately, the true VALUE of a license, regardless of the price, will be determined by the quality of the core business that is developed with the license.
Due to these risks, only experienced and skilled organizations and professionals should consider the purchase of a license.
How much can I make?
The only honest answer to this question is, we don't know. In our One Buck Business Plan we describe how much can be made theoretically, but it is based on a key assumption that has no foundation in actual data. That will change as the business grows and we gather actual data, but right now, the One Buck Business Plan is based solely on speculation. It is also based on the biggest unknown -- your effort and what you bring to the business.
How much does it cost?
You can get started right away with a provisional license that costs nothing, but any revenue generated will be placed on hold until you purchase the license. The MemoTrader system itself is the most important tool in building your MemoTrader business and you need to fund your account to fund your messages and communicate with your users and your team.
How much time/effort does it take?
That is entirely up to you. Obviously it takes more effort to make more money. It also requires some thought, planning and creativity. It also depends on what you are bringing to the business yourself. If you are already a skilled network marketer, or if you are already in a position to reach many people (such as a blogger) then it will require less effort to make more.
What do I need to do to earn money?
You make money when users sourced by you engage in MemoTrader conversations. So, what you need to do is introduce MemoTrader to people and encourage them to use the site for their own messaging. You also make money when you sell a license to somebody who does the same thing.
How do I get paid?
Your account is automatically credited when revenue events occur and you can cash out your account any time, subject to the same admin fee (15%) as every network licensee cashout.
How much support will I get to build my business?
Everyone in the MemoTrader network benefits when the network grows, so you will be supported by everyone in the network. Our goal is to incentivize good positive team building in the MemoTrader Networking Program. Effective leaders will be the most successful in building business and generating revenue in the MemoTrader Network Program.